Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Monday, 25 January 2010

Saturday, 23 January 2010


I had a dream last night.
In the dream i was in hospital, and there were nurses, two of them i think, they were pretty and kind and they told me to lie down on a white long chair/bed type thing, a bit like what you lie on at the dentist, and i new i was going to have an operation, but it would envolve cutting or bleeding, i dont know what it was for. Anyway, they gave me a breathing mask and told me i just had to lie down and breathe normaly and i would breathe in the anesthetic and nothing would hurt, i would still know where i was but it would all be ok, and so i put on the mask and breathed and i could feel it in the dream, i slipped down to a place where it was all grey and far away, and i and deep inside the back of my head, it was scary at first, but then i remember someone had told me once that wen you are given anesthetic would have to just relax, not be scared and let it do its work. And for some reaon when i relaxed i felt amazing, i loved this tiny safe place i was in in the back of my mind, i felt safe and conforted and so so out of it. I felt a prick in my arm and i new that one of the nurses had injected me with something, but i knew they were meant to and it was going to be ok.
and then i could here screaming , and the nurses shouting, and they ripped the mask away from my mouth and we had to run through the hospital because something was coming, and big white creature was coming, and we ran to the top tower of the hospital and locked the doors because we knew we would be safe there.
the nurses were amazed that i could run dispite how drugged i had been, i said it must have been fight or flight.
then i woke up.
i was suddenly aware that i was lying in a bed with a sleepy 20 year old boy in the house across my road, not in a hospital.
i looked at him and then remember, it was him who had warned me about the anesthetic.

you just have to relax, and you will be fine.


Thursday, 21 January 2010


About Me

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Im meg, Im too hot to handle when it comes to the dance floor and I have little shame. i really like the colour pink.